Thursday, October 25, 2007

Remember When Dennis Miller Was Still Funny?

Before he became a hateful, rabid right-wing tool and could only find work on Fox News shows and talk radio....


fellahere said...

Another: Christopher Hitchens used to be friggin funny back in the early 90's.

Dean said...

I used to love his books. He wrote a really good one a few years back on Orwell. But in the past 10 years or so Hitchens...well, I think the booze has taken hold. he can still write...but he's becoming more and more bitter. And since 9-11...he's become a Bush apologist.

He's gone from being a funny outsider intellectual (and a sometimes baffling Trotskyite) to a borderline neo-con.

Dean said...

I wish I had watched Politically Incoreect when it was on the air...I only saw it a few times though. I've heard it was very funny.

But then he made the comment about 9/11 shortly after it happened... back when every American was expected to be a good German...and know...

trin said...

I loved him on Weekend Update.