Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I know why the caged Sushi sings....

A while back Soo Chee made a comment (I think it was on alt) about how she's amazed (and not in a good way) that she has a blog in a place where the topics of interest are so sparse....and used an amusing example.

I feel ya. I'm finding it more and more difficult to post anything there. The only thing keeping me there is the fact that I like a lot of people who post ...although that number is shrinking quickly.

When I signed on earlier...the first post title I saw was about someone detailing the 24th black dick they sucked. Sigh. Maybe some people would find an OCD afflicted black cock fetishist interesting....not me.

The lack of quailty bloggers is uninspiring...and a lot of posts just suck the life from me.

So Mr Black Cock Fetishst...rock on with your bad self. Thank you for degrading the quality of the place with your unflushed toilet of a blog.

Maybe I'll go find some video footage of Sleestaks for the sushinator.


Mistress Cesca said...


But like Shoe She had said... she kinda likes the fact that she is a top blogger and people read her.

Over here it is about being anonymous... hmm?

And for that I say... bollocks.

Why is it you write?

~ to be read?
~ or to emote?

Rasputin said...

Dude that place became toxic.
(...for me)

It was fun for a while, but eventually the mean spirited BS, and angry fuckwitz started to leave a nasty aftertaste. The daily dose of stupid became more than my system could (quietly, or politely) endure.

I do miss the more friendly, civilized, and intelligent blogs, but I began to question if I wasn't becoming problematic myself.

People I respected there said as much, and others I respect simply avoided my crib.

In the end I felt I had allowed myself to be derailed by people who shouldn't have mattered.

I lost focus on who and why it was I intended to log on for in the first place.

It's meant to be social networking site, not a venue to bitch bait assholes, and idiots...or to be baited yourself.

You and others could maintain your composure. You avoided the acrimonious garbage. I, evidently, was not so disciplined.

By not being attentive to those who do matter most, and not paying proper attention to why we all, supposedly, joined that site. I squandered valuable opportunities.

In the final analysis, I have only myself to thank for the way things turned out.

I know that not all social interaction are a competition, and that blogging isn't necessarily a contact sport.

Yet when a rhetorical open field tackle presented itself...I couldn't help but blind side a mouthy, myopic, moron.

In this manner I came to be viewed, by many, as a ruffian. No better than those I found so contemptible.

I doubt I'll ever go back there.
From what I read here...I'm better off gone, eh?

"May the fires of the bridges I burn light my way forward."